Home, faith, and education: fully integrated.


Villa Spiritus complements the vocational mission of homeschooling parents by providing academically challenging courses in a deeply committed Catholic community. Villa Spiritus provides a rigorous course of studies faithful to the doctrine and teaching of the Catholic Church, which enlighten and inform all areas of the curriculum. Understanding our faith and the ideas that shaped Western civilization allows our students to deepen their belief and expand their understanding of the world. We strive to maintain an environment in which our students can learn both the joy of intellectual inquiry and the perseverance required for true study.

Students go to school with Jesus, present in the Blessed Sacrament. They begin and end our day before him, seeking His guidance and singing His praise. The most important class of the day is the Mass, where the True, the Good, and the Beautiful are not only absorbed through the subjects studied, but consumed as the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ.

Our Team


Fr. Robert-Charles Bengry GSmp
Parish Priest and Chair of the Board of Directors

Deacon Kenneth Noster
Head of School

TobyLauren Burgess
Chief Operating Officer/Administration

Pierre-Andre Beaudoin

Kyra Tinant
Choral Music Tutor

Janelle Mailhot
Data Manager/Student Records

Melissa McEachern
Finance Manager/Tuition

Amy Burkey
Administrative Assistant


…all branches of knowledge are connected together, because the subject matter of knowledge is intimately united in itself as being the acts and work of the Creator.
— Saint John Henry Newman